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Gong show

The Gong Show is a cabaret style contest between performers of often *dubious* talent. Prepare for the silly, the absurd, the ridiculous and the entertaining!  For examples of Gong Show acts, check out the videos below.


It’s time to start thinking about acts! Put on your creative hats and start brainstorming. Grab a friend and start to devise your strategic contribution to the show. The deadline to submit an act is not until October 1st, HOWEVER, if we receive enough submissions before October 1st then we will close the bill so please get in touch with me if you’re considering an act so that I can mark you down.

A panel of judges can choose to gong the act at any time at their discretion. The audience can help to sway the judges in one way or the other, and there might be some disputes among the judges themselves as to whether or not the gong should be struck. So obviously we aren’t looking for really *serious* acts but for strategically entertaining, bad or funny acts.

Each act must be a minimum of 1 minute and a maximum of 4 minutes in length, but 4 minutes is actually quite long so you would have to have a VERY good reason for taking it past the 3 minute mark. Anyone who goes over the 4 minute time limit will automatically be gonged, even if the act is very good. Judges will have to wait a minimum of 45 seconds before they are allowed to gong the act.

There will be two cash prizes, one for the best act… and also one for the worst act! So performers can position themselves to compete for either of those two prizes. Silliness and a wonderful evening of entertainment is bound to ensue! So mark your calendars for October 17th.

****Lindy Hop in Toronto – 14th Year Anniversary Party
This will be on the weekend in which everyone is invited to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the start of the Lindy Hop revival in Toronto and Canada. Swing Toronto (Simon) will provide more details very soon.

The show will take place at the Dovercourt House located at 805 Dovercourt Rd.

[googlemap lat=”43.662608″ lng=”-79.42978″ width=”500px” height=”300px” zoom=”15″ type=”G_NORMAL_MAP”]Toronto, ON, Canada[/googlemap]

Here are a selection of acts from the 1970’s hit TV series – The  Gong Show.





